Swanson, T. J., Teixeira, A. S., Richson, B. N., Li, Y., Hills, T. T., Forbush, K. T., Watson, D., & Stella, M. Cognitive networks identify dimensions of distress in suicide notes: Anxiety, emotional profiles, and the “words not said”. PsyArXiv
Kolar, D. R., Ralph-Nearman, C., Swanson, T., Levinson, C. A. Exercise moderates longitudinal group psychopathology networks in individuals with eating disorders. PsyArXiv
Swanson, T. J., Yao, M. W. M., Retzloff, M. G., Gago, L. A., Copland, S., Nichols, J. E., Payne, J. F., Ripps, B. A., Peavey, M., Opsahl, M., Cadesky, K., Meriano, J., Donesky, B. W., Bird III, J., Groll, J., Bird Jr., J. S., Beesley, R., Nowak, L., Neal, G., Adams, J., Walmer, D. K., Nguyen, E. T., & Chen, X. Inter-center variation of patients’ clinical profiles is associated with IVF live birth outcomes.
Nguyen, E. T., Retzloff, M. G., Gago, L. A., Nichols, J. E., Payne, J. F., Ripps, B. A., Opsahl, M., Groll, J., Beesly, R., Nowak, L., Neal, G., Adams, J., Swanson, T., Chen, X., & Yao, M. W. M. Predicting IVF live birth probabilities using machine learning, center-specific and national registry-based models.
Yao, M. W. M., Jenkins, J., Nguyen, E. T., Swanson, T., & Menabrito, M. (2024). Patient-centric IVF prognostics counseling using machine learning for the pragmatist. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine, DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1791536
Yao, M. W. M., Nguyen, E. T., Retzloff, M. G., Gago, L. A., Copland, S., Nichols, J. E., Payne, J. F., Opsahl, M., Cadesky, K., Meriano, J., Donesky, B. W., Bird III, J., Peavey, M., Beesley, R., Neal, G., Bird Jr., J. S., Swanson, T., Chen, X., & Walmer, D. (2024). Improving IVF utilization with patient-centric artificial intelligence-machine learning (AI/ML): A retrospective multicenter experience. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13, 3560.
Talaga, S., Stella, M., Swanson, T. J., & Teixeira, A. S. (2023). Polarization and multiscale structural balance in signed networks. Communications Physics, 6, 349.
Forbush, K. T., Chen, P., Bohrer, B. K., Hagan, K. E., Chapa, D. A. N., Christensen, K. A., Perko, V., Richson, B. N., Johnson, S. N., Thomeczek, M. L., Nelson, S. V., Christian, K., Swanson, T. J., & Wildes, J. E. (2023). Integrating “lumpers” versus “splitters” perspectives: Toward a clinically useful hierarchical dimensional taxonomy of eating disorders. Clinical Psychological Science, 1-19.
Forbush, K. T., Swanson, T. J., Gaddy, M., Oehlert, M., Doan, A., Wiese, J., Christian, K., Morgan, R., O’Brien, C., Song, Q. C., & Watson, D. (2023). Design and methods of the Longitudinal Eating Disorders Assessment Project (LEAP) research consortium for veterans. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 32, e1941.
Stella, M., Swanson, T. J., Hills, T. T., Teixeira, A. S. (2022). Cognitive networks detect structural patterns and emotional complexity in suicide notes. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 36570999. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.917630
Forbush, K. T., Swanson, T. J., Richson, B. N., Thomeczek, M. L., Negi, S., Johnson, S. N., Chapa, D. A. N., Morgan, R. W., O’Brien, C. J. Gould, S. R., Christensen, K. A., & Chen, Y. (2022). Screening for eating disorders in college students: Initial validation of the Brief Assessment of Stress and Eating (BASE). International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55, 1553-1564.
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Johnson, S. N., Forbush, K. T., & Swanson, T. J. (2022). The impact of discrimination on binge eating in a nationally representative sample of Latine individuals. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55, 1120-1129.
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Teixeira, A. S., Talaga, S., Swanson, T. J., & Stella, M. (2021). Revealing semantic and emotional structure of suicide notes with cognitive network science. Scientific Reports, 11, 1-15.
Richson, B. N., Johnson, S. N., Swanson, T. J., Christensen, K. A., Forbush, K. T., & Wildes, J. E. (2021). Predicting probable eating disorder case-status in men using the Clinical Impairment Assessment: Evidence for a gender-specific threshold. Eating Behaviors, 42, 101541.
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Baldwin, M., Landau, M. J., & Swanson, T. J. (2018). Metaphors can give life meaning. Self and Identity, 17, 163-193.
Landau, M. J., Arndt, J., Swanson, T. J., & Bultmann, M. N. (2017). Why life speeds up: Chunking and the passage of autobiographical time. Self and Identity, 1-16.
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